This is Manhood

A excerpt of the prayer delivered by coach Ron Brown to the Penn State football team on November 12th, at the start of the first game after sex abuse charges against former assistant coach Larry Sandusky ended Joe Paterno’s coaching career:

There are a lot of little boys around the country, today, who are watching this game. And they’re trying to figure out what the definition of manhood is all about. Father, this is it right here. I pray that this game will be a training ground of what manhood looks like. And we will compete with fierce intensity. With the honor, and the gifts, and the talents that you’ve given us. And may we be reminded, Lord, as it says in John 1:14, that Jesus is full of grace and truth. May the truth be known!

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Our Daily Links: Knee-Slapper Edition

So guess what, Occupy Wall Streeters!  Your lucky day!  Jim Wallis has invited you in from the cold!  I totally can’t tell if Wallis is making a funny parody of all the inaccurate media coverage of the movement or if he actually thinks the people on the streets are pathetic orphans.

So let’s invite them to our Thanksgiving dinners all across the country, and have “table fellowship,” because that’s what church people do!

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