Beck's Founding Fathers

Glenn Beck has famously postulated — on a blackboard — that if all Americans knew the history and content of the constitution the way he and his team of “expert” historian’s do, the Tea Party would be running the country’s show, not President Obama or any of his like-minded radical liberals.  Last week, Beck held the first session of “Beck University” to do just that, re-teach Americans the real intent of separation of church and state, “not what you’ve been sold.”  His first guest was David Barton, founder of Wallbuilders and long-time advocate for the separation of church and state as a way to “keep the [church’s] influence in there [government].” Continue Reading →

Beck’s Founding Fathers

Glenn Beck has famously postulated — on a blackboard — that if all Americans knew the history and content of the constitution the way he and his team of “expert” historian’s do, the Tea Party would be running the country’s show, not President Obama or any of his like-minded radical liberals.  Last week, Beck held the first session of “Beck University” to do just that, re-teach Americans the real intent of separation of church and state, “not what you’ve been sold.”  His first guest was David Barton, founder of Wallbuilders and long-time advocate for the separation of church and state as a way to “keep the [church’s] influence in there [government].” Continue Reading →

Beck’s Founding Fathers

Glenn Beck has famously postulated — on a blackboard — that if all Americans knew the history and content of the constitution the way he and his team of “expert” historian’s do, the Tea Party would be running the country’s show, not President Obama or any of his like-minded radical liberals.  Last week, Beck held the first session of “Beck University” to do just that, re-teach Americans the real intent of separation of church and state, “not what you’ve been sold.”  His first guest was David Barton, founder of Wallbuilders and long-time advocate for the separation of church and state as a way to “keep the [church’s] influence in there [government].” Continue Reading →