From the Mouths of Babes

Abby Ohlheiser:

Miss Nancy Ellicott smoked
And danced all the modern dances;
And her aunts were not quite sure how they felt about it,
But they knew that it was modern.

— T.S. Eliot

Here’s a video of a 17-year-old girl praising God, palms up, in a snow-white dress, as she receives the crown and sash of Miss America. Teresa Scanlan, competing as Miss Nebraska, is a home-schooled aspiring President of the United States. Her blog is titled “A Royal Princess,” with the sub headline, “promoting positive body image and self-acceptance, one person at a time.” Before winning Miss Nebraska, she prayed:

Dear God, please help me to be a diligent servant not only today but from here on out. Give me the strength and wisdom to accurately handle your word of truth and the diligence and perseverance necessary to be a worker who is not ashamed. I wish to be a shining light for you, a glowing example of who you are, and a grain of salt in a tasteless world.

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