Who Remembers McCarthy?

Becky Garrison: Over at Killing the Buddha, Garrett Baer addresses the current controversy over Park51 by raising the question, “at what time in American history have particular groups not been the subject of bigotry? He reminds us that “The Tea Party, of course, is defending American values, as are the Minute Men, as was the John Birch Society, as was Joe McCarthy’s Cold War witchhunt, as were the opponents of FDR, who insisted that he was a Jew and called him ‘Jewsevelt.’” Continue Reading →

Evangelical Women Need Role Models Too

Newsweek‘s religion editor, Lisa Miller, contributes to the recent conversation about Sarah Palin’s “feminism,” but instead of parsing definitions (see also here and here for that), Miller tells us why evangelical women see Palin as a saint:  they hunger for a contemporary role model.  Miller opens the article with a recount of Palin’s Trig story as told in Going Rogue:

For a split second, Palin—already at the limits of her time and energy—stops to consider the chaos another baby will create in her life. These are really less than ideal circumstances, she thinks. And then the inconceivable. I’m out of town. No one knows I’m pregnant. No one would ever have to know.

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Faith in our Exceptionalism

We are not ourselves. We no longer know what it means to be American. We are letting our secretive government fleece us. We’re broken and we are on the wrong path, at a tipping point, we’ve lost our way. From Star Parker to Sarah Palin, from Roger Ailes to Glenn Beck, the message that the Media Right is riding is that we are a country that has forgotten itself, forgotten its exceptionalism, become too complicated, gotten too far from its values; and because of this lapse of self-knowledge, we’re about to hit dire straits. While it’s a strong, simple and compelling (and rather Biblical) narrative — we must change our ways now or soon perish — some major plot points are missing. Who are “we” for instance? And whose values are being forgotten? What is American exceptionalism and how or why should we get back to it? While the Media Right works to stage a self-help intervention for our failing country, few are talking about what really ails us with detail. This “we are going down” talk serves a distinct political purpose though; as Tony Judt writes in a new, lengthy essay,“The Disintegration of the Public Sector” for SSRC: Continue Reading →