(Excerpt) Making Moderate Islam: Sufism, Service, and the Ground Zero Mosque Controversy

An excerpt from Making Moderate Islam: Sufism, Service, and the “Ground Zero Mosque” Controversy (Stanford University Press, 2016) by Rosemary R. Corbett. With an introduction by the author. Continue Reading →

Ground Zero and The Founders' Civility

Akbar Ahmed is getting some praise for his piece at Salon that works to portray both Terry Jones and Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf as men “adding fuel to the fire,” both exhibiting an insensitivity to a “civil” society that’s decided to make them media headlines.

Jones, you know by now, planned to burn the Quran yesterday, then decided he could get more publicity by putting the fire away and flying to New York for 9/11 events. He arrived at 11 pm Friday night wearing a Harley Davidson t-shirt.  Definitely a tough guy.  Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf  is the sometime government  go-to on Christian-Muslim relations who made plans to buy a vacant building downtown and got caught up in a storm of anti-Islam noise by proposing to open a community center in it.  He’s been criticized for not explaining his intentions for the privately-owned site.  Silence too can inflame, I guess. Continue Reading →

Ground Zero and The Founders’ Civility

Akbar Ahmed is getting some praise for his piece at Salon that works to portray both Terry Jones and Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf as men “adding fuel to the fire,” both exhibiting an insensitivity to a “civil” society that’s decided to make them media headlines.

Jones, you know by now, planned to burn the Quran yesterday, then decided he could get more publicity by putting the fire away and flying to New York for 9/11 events. He arrived at 11 pm Friday night wearing a Harley Davidson t-shirt.  Definitely a tough guy.  Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf  is the sometime government  go-to on Christian-Muslim relations who made plans to buy a vacant building downtown and got caught up in a storm of anti-Islam noise by proposing to open a community center in it.  He’s been criticized for not explaining his intentions for the privately-owned site.  Silence too can inflame, I guess. Continue Reading →

Ground Zero and The Founders’ Civility

Akbar Ahmed is getting some praise for his piece at Salon that works to portray both Terry Jones and Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf as men “adding fuel to the fire,” both exhibiting an insensitivity to a “civil” society that’s decided to make them media headlines.

Jones, you know by now, planned to burn the Quran yesterday, then decided he could get more publicity by putting the fire away and flying to New York for 9/11 events. He arrived at 11 pm Friday night wearing a Harley Davidson t-shirt.  Definitely a tough guy.  Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf  is the sometime government  go-to on Christian-Muslim relations who made plans to buy a vacant building downtown and got caught up in a storm of anti-Islam noise by proposing to open a community center in it.  He’s been criticized for not explaining his intentions for the privately-owned site.  Silence too can inflame, I guess. Continue Reading →