Small-r Rebellion

Gary Younge, a feature writer for the Guardian, has written that the Tea Party is “not a new phenomenon. It’s simply a new name for an old phenomenon – the American hard right.”  A disparate, loose group of previously unnamed ideas and motivations, with a boat load of money and its own TV channel.

The relationship between these organisations [The Tea Party Express, FreedomWorks, Americans for Prosperity, Tea Party Patriots] and the base of people who call themselves Tea Party supporters is episodic and erratic. They show up in different places where they sense an opportunity for a breakthrough, throw money at it, attract media attention for it, and then see what sticks.

Which is the point that Terry Mattingly (aka tmatt or editor) at Get Religion is hinting at in his recent post on a story at WaPo about Rick Santorum’s presidential bid water-testing. Continue Reading →

Shari'ah, Fearing the Unknown

In news story after news story, the fear of Islam — and specifically of “creeping” Shari’ah law —  is confirmed in headlines.  From the Oklahoma law passed during midterm elections that banned Shari’ah (and was later blocked by a state judge) to the protest of mosques (or mosque-like buildings!) under construction around the country, journalists have made clear that some Americans are afraid of the growth, practice and presence of one particular religious group. Continue Reading →

Shari’ah, Fearing the Unknown

In news story after news story, the fear of Islam — and specifically of “creeping” Shari’ah law —  is confirmed in headlines.  From the Oklahoma law passed during midterm elections that banned Shari’ah (and was later blocked by a state judge) to the protest of mosques (or mosque-like buildings!) under construction around the country, journalists have made clear that some Americans are afraid of the growth, practice and presence of one particular religious group. Continue Reading →

Shari’ah, Fearing the Unknown

In news story after news story, the fear of Islam — and specifically of “creeping” Shari’ah law —  is confirmed in headlines.  From the Oklahoma law passed during midterm elections that banned Shari’ah (and was later blocked by a state judge) to the protest of mosques (or mosque-like buildings!) under construction around the country, journalists have made clear that some Americans are afraid of the growth, practice and presence of one particular religious group. Continue Reading →