In the News: Emanuel A.M.E., Encyclicals, Etsy, and more!

A round-up of the week’s religion news. Continue Reading →

In the News: #blacklivesmatter, #Illridewithyou, TL;DR Bible Stories, and more!

A round-up of recent religion and media stories in the news. Continue Reading →

Numbers Lie: Hacking at Islam

Numbers never tell the whole story–which is why liberal pleas to rely solely on science and facts carry so little weight.

Internet years are like dog years.  Way back in 2003 when The Revealer was founded as a joint project between NYU’s Journalism Department and The Center for Religion and Media, we placed a more traditional emphasis on educating future journalists about how to report about religion: with links to academic and reporting resources, explicit examples of how journalists get religion right and wrong, and by debunking hypocritical or imbalanced, precious or erroneous reporting.  While our emphasis on that aspect of our mission has varied over the past eight years, we’ve always paid close attention to what tools institutions use to school journalists in religion’s means and ways.

For instance: there’s a cool new online course about Islam, created by Washington State University and Poynter News University.  Designed by Lawrence Pintak (who will be speaking at an event co-sponsored by The Center for Religion and Media on October 5th), the course is meant:

as a tool for journalists who want to be accurate in educating their audience about the religion and culture of Islam, Muslim communities in the U.S., and the distinctions between Islam as a political movement and the radical philosophies that inspire militant Islamists.

Smart and necessary!  But that’s not what the Culture and Media Institute (CMI, part of Brent “that’s indecent!” Bozell’s family of non-profits) has to say about the project. Continue Reading →

Wisdom From a Beauty Queen

Abby Ohlheiser: In the interest of The Revealer‘s ongoing coverage of beauty pageants, we’d like to draw your attention to the following story about the latest batch of politically-charged questions posed to contestants.

Alleging that the questions, which ask about teaching evolution in schools and whether the candidates would pose for nude photos or not, are trying to create another Carrie Prejean moment (which, hey, they might be), the article cites another aspect of this year’s Miss USA pageant as possibly more worrying:

Another factor that could influence how contestants answer is the makeup of the crowd.

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