Calling Nazi

Ashley Baxstrom: Thank God for celebrities, you know? Like, for real. Because without them, how else would conservative religious authors promote their books in new and exciting ways, am I right?

Author and radio personality Teresa Tomeo has found her golden goose (or is it a calf?) to rail against in the recent remarks made by actress Susan Sarandon about Pope Benedict XVI. During a red-carpet interview at last weekend’s Hamptons International Film Festival, Sarandon referred to the Pope as a “Nazi.” The comment came up during a conversation about Sarandon’s 1995 film “Dead Man Walking,” based on an anti-death penalty book by Sister Helen Prejean, whom Sarandon portrayed in the film. Sarandon said she had sent a copy of the book to Pope John Paul II, “the last one, not this Nazi one we have now.” Continue Reading →