Religion and Press Freedom in the Digital Age – Part Three: Interview with Kassahun Yilma
The third in a series of posts on issues at the intersection of press freedom, religion, digital media and politics by Natasja Sheriff . Continue Reading →
a review of religion and media
The third in a series of posts on issues at the intersection of press freedom, religion, digital media and politics by Natasja Sheriff . Continue Reading →
The first in a series of posts on issues at the intersection of press freedom, religion, digital media and politics by Natasja Sheriff. Continue Reading →
Protests in Ethiopia could have profound ramifications for Muslim-state relations in Ethiopia and beyond, writes Alex Thurston in the second of two posts on Ethiopia’s Muslims. Continue Reading →
In the first of two posts on the deterioration of religious freedom for Ethiopia’s Muslims, Alex Thurston looks at Ethiopia’s relationship with the U.S. and the “Global War on Terror” Continue Reading →
Back from the Great Divide! Welcome to the fall, and a host of stuff you should be reading right now. Continue Reading →
From Holland Cotter’s article on his visit to the sunken churches of Lalibela:
A priest, in white, stood at a lectern and read aloud from an illuminated book as a European video crew fussed with sound checks, then asked him, please, to start again. To an outsider the general impression was confusing, disconcerting. Can this newish, nondescript, somewhat disheveled, in-progress space really be the physical and psychic center of one the world’s oldest versions of Christianity?
Church and the Russian University. Fundamentalism as a result of secularization, not an expression of tradition. “Shifting Politics in the World’s Newest Nation.” “How Ethiopia’s Adoption Industry Dupes Families and Bullies Activists.” Thanks to a lingering hatred for Communism… The most significant Chinese political event of 2011. Getting arms around the cult of Kim Jong Il. Continue Reading →
Everyone’s favorite tween, Justin Bieber is fresh off a visit to Israel and was seen this week sporting a new tattoo that reads “Yeshua,” or Jesus, in Hebrew. Baylor University Press has published a new book, The Evangelical Movement in Ethiopia, that is being called a tool for promoting religious intolerance and a harbinger of greater social and political unrest. Scalia’s called last week’s SCOTUS decision, Brown v. Plata, “the most radical injunction issued by a court in our nation’s history.” The ruling grants that prisoners’ Eighth Amendment rights must be respected. It would be dangerous to put a Mormon in the White House. There’s been a lot of press about the end of Oprah’s show this month (and her brand of faith) but little answer to the question of why she’s ended it. The Revealer‘s heard from a semi-reliable source that Oprah was raptured. (h/t Genevieve Yue) Continue Reading →
Miracle Meter Former Revealer Kathryn Joyce calls our attention to this startling “miracle” news:Ethiopian lions with feminist tendencies rescue 12-year-old girl from patriarchal folkways! There’s not really much to add to that, but Continue Reading →