Preachers from the Palace of Wisdom, or: Ranterism in the UK
Ed Simon reviews Nigel Smith’s Ranter Writings: Spiritual Liberty and Sexual Freedom in the English Revolution. Continue Reading →
a review of religion and media
Ed Simon reviews Nigel Smith’s Ranter Writings: Spiritual Liberty and Sexual Freedom in the English Revolution. Continue Reading →
A round-up of recent religion & media news. Continue Reading →
Elissa Lerner: The King James Bible is celebrating its 400th birthday this year, and judging from the British press, it looks like the festivities will be around all year, although mostly in England. For all you King James enthusiasts out there (and really, who’s into the ASV these days anyway?) here are some choice insights and exhibits about the impact of this tome on our society. Continue Reading →
Amidst budget cuts and a long, pronounced decline in attendance, the fight to preserve medeival churches in England is dire. Writes Ian Jack at the Guardian:
Nothing as handsome as these churches will ever again be built in these villages; their presence there seems almost miraculous, like finding an original Leonardo in a Skegness postcard rack. But how empty they are! Christian worship seems to have melted away almost as completely as the wool trade, and long before Richard Dawkins and the atheist revival came hunting for an argument. We should at least take care to preserve its inspiring remains.
Amidst budget cuts and a long, pronounced decline in attendance, the fight to preserve medeival churches in England is dire. Writes Ian Jack at the Guardian:
Nothing as handsome as these churches will ever again be built in these villages; their presence there seems almost miraculous, like finding an original Leonardo in a Skegness postcard rack. But how empty they are! Christian worship seems to have melted away almost as completely as the wool trade, and long before Richard Dawkins and the atheist revival came hunting for an argument. We should at least take care to preserve its inspiring remains.
Anti-Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) activists meeting in Nairobi called for comprehensive legislation banning the practice, which removes part of all of a young girl’s genitalia, using, in part, this rationale: “‘It Continue Reading →
“Only nine people are in church tonight, and all but two of us have come alone. As we sing ‘Come Ye Faithful, Raise the Anthem,’ our voices are tiny in Continue Reading →