So Long, Rowan Williams

What does Rowan Williams’s resignation mean for American Anglicans?

By Daniel Schultz

Word reached us lately that the eyebrows of the Most Rev. Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury, had decided to step down at the age of 61, apparently taking the attached primate with them into an early retirement, or at least a return to the academic life as Master of Magdalene College. Perhaps not coincidentally, a little while later it came out that the Church of England was set to reject the Anglican Covenant, Williams’ pet project to bind together the far-flung theologies of the Anglican Communion in some way or another. Nobody was ever quite sure how. In any case, a defeat like this must have been hard to bear, even for Williams’ ordinarily indefatigable—not to mention gravity-defying—eyebrows. Little wonder he (and they) decided to light out for Oxford (update: Cambridge per the comments) while the getting was good.

What does Williams’ departure and the arrival of his successor mean for the average Christian in the United States? As with so much in the world of the church, the answer is: it depends.

At the moment, the bookmakers favor John Sentamu, the Ugandan-born Archbishop of York, to replace Williams. But it’s not by much: Sentamu averages about a 50-50 shot from the houses willing to accept a wager on his ascension. Continue Reading →

Give Us This Day Our Daily Links

Jesus Greeks!

Of course we don’t endorse primary candidates (Mitt Romney 5.0)!  But if we could…

Jews in the Sheen house!

Reading, writing and the absolute horrors of being in divinity school.

Old evangelical wine in old evangelical wineskins?

Clarence Thomas is the court.

The Archbishop of Canterbury designates a Pakistani martyr.

Alabama Rep on Shari’ah:  I don’t know what it is but I’m gonna ban it.

To the victim goes the forgiveness.

And today’s must-read is Tim Nafziger’s fantastic romp through Mennonite “institutions and bureaucracy” at Young Anabaptist Radicals, parts one and two.  (Read Tim’s columns at The Mennonite here.) Continue Reading →

Daily Links 03 December 2004

Gods of Nationalism Kalyan Singh, leader of the Indian Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), today deposed before theLiberhan Commission, a 12-year old commission investigating the 1992 demolition of theBabri Mosque by a Continue Reading →