Religion Stories for the Week with Jeff Sharlet and Amy Sullivan

Today has posted a conversation on religion and the media between Jeff Sharlet, founder and contributing editor to The Revealer and author of the forthcoming C Street and Amy Sullivan, contributing writer with Time magazine.  The topics that they cover are:  the killing of 10 health workers/missionaries in Afghanistan; gay marriage; the “Ground Zero Mosque”; the rise of anti-Islam; the Uganda “kill the gays” bill; Anne Rice’s falling away.  The video is 56 minutes long but if you want to pop in on a subject, a key below the frame will tell you when. Continue Reading →

Anne Rice, Fallen Away

Eugene Cho at Sojourners on Anne Rice’s shirk of Christianity:

Let’s be honest. It’s easy to take shots at an institution — especially Christianity and the church. For Christians, it’s our family and that gives us license and permission to speak constructively or critically about our own family.

We all do it. Men, women, children. Poets, singers, skeptics, believers, cynics, liberals, conservatives, Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Presbyterians, Baptists, Calvinists, Arminians, and even you and me. In fact, it’s become the somewhat cool, hip, and edgy thing to do … because you are more [wait for it … wait for it] — authentic.

Ahhh. Authentic Christianity.

And while I can’t argue that Anne’s descriptions are entirely inaccurate, I really do wonder if we’ve allowed these assumptions, judgments, and descriptives to become the totality of Christianity. Is it possible that we’ve given these descriptives so much press that it has grown bigger than reality? They have grown to be such that many — perhaps including ourselves — have come to believe that Christianity is all about being anti-gayanti-feminist, and anti-artificial birth control (anti-science)?

  • Are those descriptives realities for some and in some communities? Yes.
  • Are they the totality of the movement of Christianity? No.

Christ died for an imperfect church.

(h/t Becky Garrison) Continue Reading →