Letter of Support for Muslim Communities
Simran Jeet Singh‘s advice on how to offer support for Muslim neighbors. Continue Reading →
a review of religion and media
Simran Jeet Singh‘s advice on how to offer support for Muslim neighbors. Continue Reading →
There’s an awful lot of commentary about the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) and Dominionism lately, thanks to Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann’s prayerful entry into the GOP presidential race. Most of it is not contextualized nor historically accurate, or like this odd retort–by A. Larry Ross, Billy Graham’s long-time media representative, to a Michelle Goldberg column on Dominionism, both at The Daily Beast–misleading. (The Tea Party isn’t religious? Where you been?) Really the best piece I’ve seen yet is by Sarah Posner at Salon. Continue Reading →
There’s an awful lot of commentary about the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) and Dominionism lately, thanks to Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann’s prayerful entry into the GOP presidential race. Most of it is not contextualized nor historically accurate, or like this odd retort–by A. Larry Ross, Billy Graham’s long-time media representative, to a Michelle Goldberg column on Dominionism, both at The Daily Beast–misleading. (The Tea Party isn’t religious? Where you been?) Really the best piece I’ve seen yet is by Sarah Posner at Salon. Continue Reading →
There’s an awful lot of commentary about the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) and Dominionism lately, thanks to Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann’s prayerful entry into the GOP presidential race. Most of it is not contextualized nor historically accurate, or like this odd retort–by A. Larry Ross, Billy Graham’s long-time media representative, to a Michelle Goldberg column on Dominionism, both at The Daily Beast–misleading. (The Tea Party isn’t religious? Where you been?) Really the best piece I’ve seen yet is by Sarah Posner at Salon. Continue Reading →