Defending Truth, With a Capital "T"

Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) — the legal activist organization founded in 1993 by “a band of TV preachers and right-wing radio ranters” which now constitutes the strong arm of what I call the Legal Right — is not taking the recent dismissal of a case they brought before the Idaho courts very well. The case sought to allow a charter school in that state to teach the Bible.

ADF is hopping mad and they’ve renewed an ongoing online spat with “gloating” Americans United for the Separation of Church and State (AU). ADF Senior Legal Counsel, David Cortman, goes all out in his bashing of both separation of church and state and AU in a recent post. “Organizations like AU have twisted the words and meaning of the Constitution to fit their own ideological agenda,” Cortman writes.
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Defending Truth, With a Capital “T”

Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) — the legal activist organization founded in 1993 by “a band of TV preachers and right-wing radio ranters” which now constitutes the strong arm of what I call the Legal Right — is not taking the recent dismissal of a case they brought before the Idaho courts very well. The case sought to allow a charter school in that state to teach the Bible.

ADF is hopping mad and they’ve renewed an ongoing online spat with “gloating” Americans United for the Separation of Church and State (AU). ADF Senior Legal Counsel, David Cortman, goes all out in his bashing of both separation of church and state and AU in a recent post. “Organizations like AU have twisted the words and meaning of the Constitution to fit their own ideological agenda,” Cortman writes.
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Defending Truth, With a Capital “T”

Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) — the legal activist organization founded in 1993 by “a band of TV preachers and right-wing radio ranters” which now constitutes the strong arm of what I call the Legal Right — is not taking the recent dismissal of a case they brought before the Idaho courts very well. The case sought to allow a charter school in that state to teach the Bible.

ADF is hopping mad and they’ve renewed an ongoing online spat with “gloating” Americans United for the Separation of Church and State (AU). ADF Senior Legal Counsel, David Cortman, goes all out in his bashing of both separation of church and state and AU in a recent post. “Organizations like AU have twisted the words and meaning of the Constitution to fit their own ideological agenda,” Cortman writes.
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Erik Prince's Crusade

Speaking of Blackwater, Jeremy Scahill, author of Blackwater: Rise of the World’s Most Powerful Mercenary Army and The Nation contributor, details a new tape of the usually private Erik Prince, founder of Blackwater and hefty contributor to Alliance Defense Fund and other religious right organizations. Some of the revelations to be found on the tapes? Rampant religiously-inspired racism Continue Reading →

Erik Prince’s Crusade

Speaking of Blackwater, Jeremy Scahill, author of Blackwater: Rise of the World’s Most Powerful Mercenary Army and The Nation contributor, details a new tape of the usually private Erik Prince, founder of Blackwater and hefty contributor to Alliance Defense Fund and other religious right organizations. Some of the revelations to be found on the tapes? Rampant religiously-inspired racism Continue Reading →

Erik Prince’s Crusade

Speaking of Blackwater, Jeremy Scahill, author of Blackwater: Rise of the World’s Most Powerful Mercenary Army and The Nation contributor, details a new tape of the usually private Erik Prince, founder of Blackwater and hefty contributor to Alliance Defense Fund and other religious right organizations. Some of the revelations to be found on the tapes? Rampant religiously-inspired racism Continue Reading →

Britain is a Christian Nation.

Richard Bartholomew at Talk to Action looks across the pond to the increasing connections between conservative British politicians and evangelicals, pointing us to a number of recent British articles that map organizational and financial support offered to the Tories this election cycle by “pro-family,” corporate, and blatantly Christian organizations. Writes Jamie Doward for The Observer, Cameron’s bid for prime minister and some 37 other candidacies have been linked to Christian organizations like the Centre for Social Justice, Conservative Christian Fellowship, Christian Legal Centre and the American Alliance Defense Fund, funded by Erik Prince, founder of the now-infamous private security firm Blackwater. Continue Reading →