“Religion Behind the Headlines” Panel, March 20

Come see me, Paul Raushenbush (HuffPo), Laurie Goodstein (NYT), Bruce Clarke (Economist) and others discuss the state of religion in the media on March 20th at 4:30 at NYU’s Rosenthal Pavilion.  Here’s a description:

A moderated panel discussion with leading journalists and broadcasters on issues and trends around they way in which religious identities and communities are represented and reported in the media. The panel will explore the challenges and barriers within the current media landscape that further division and fuel prejudices. They will also identify ways in which the media can be used as a tool to advance understanding and coexistence. The discussion will offer opportunities, methods and resources that enable social activists, religious communicators and aspiring journalism students to be a part of the solution of addressing these challenges. The audience is targeted at a mix of religious communicators, social activists, scholars and NYU journalism students. The event is envisioned to be delivered in partnership with NYU Center for Media and Religion, Odyssey Networks and Religion Communicators Council.

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