
Barabbas is late. I had a feeling about Barabbas. I have to admit I was seduced by his resume: Herodic palace guard, Oriental astrologer and, here’s the kicker, a speaking role as Pharisee 2 in Matthew 19:7. But here we are, the masses are screaming, the Son of God’s in shackles, Pontius Pilate has to… Read more Barabbas


Even though there was no more thinking to do, when I’d screwed every atom to the wall and held it there with as much isometric will as I could, the slightest lapse in concentration could shatter my careful derangement of the facts. The problem would start to redraw its lines and the magnificent differential equation… Read more Problem


A spandrel is, in evolutionary biology, a phenotypic trait generated by the appearance of another trait, and whose primary purpose is to ride shotgun for its creator. By an unlicensed coinage, which is maybe itself a spandrel, a spandroid is a humanoid whose constitution and behavior have developed to support another, more important technology. Were… Read more Spandroids