Street Images The graffiti is from a wall in Amsterdam in a zone that is undergoing a typical transformation, from dangerous drug-dealing to disruptive creative-industries policy, so police officers patrol, real-estate prices rise, and gentrification shatters existing communities in the name of renewal and safety, shunting the displaced to less potentially-wealthy parts of town. This garbage-removal truck has an image of Che Guevara on the windscreen. It stops regularly just outside the Hotel Roosevelt in Mexico City, where Che and Fidel Castro planed their return to Cuba. Mr President You say that you govern for everyone. Taxi drivers agree, if that means equal treatment. Foreign applications [Uber] must comply with the law and pay the same amount as we do. (Text reads) HOMAGE TO COMMUNITY VICTIMS OF THE CONFLICT. DISPLACED BELOW THE WATER. CHANGE THE MINES FOR HOPE. NO MORE SEXUAL VIOLENCE