Intro to Learning, People & Spaces
Topics & Discussion
- Class introductions
- Introduction to tangibles for learning
- Introduction to designing with/for/by people
- Syllabus, class expectations, assignments, grading, supplies, etc.
Design & Construction Lab
- Brief intro to people & spaces (prototyping facilities and tools @370 Jay St & NYU Tandon MakerSpace)
- Analog math manipulatives exploration & reflection
Assignments for Next Week
- Set-up Process Website and post link to Slack, post reading reflections on the #readingresponses2024 channel prior to each class.
- Sign-up to be a Discussion Leader
- Read & React:
- Behaviorism, Cognitivism, and Constructivism: Comparing critical features from an instructional design perspective or Drive
- Tangibles and Tangible Learning – By: Bertrand Schneider (Sage Overview) or Drive
- Hoadley, C., & Cox, C. D. (2009). What is design knowledge and how do we teach it? NYU Library or Drive
- Watch & Explore: Below are some videos of various tangibles for teaching & learning. Go on your own web search to find other interesting interactive and tangible tools/platforms that stand out to you or pique your interest. Share them with the group on Slack (#inspirations2024 channel).
- Reflect on the following questions:
- What kind of interactions and behaviors are fostered by this product and approach?
- What affordances/properties/characteristics stood out to you? What did you like and what didn’t you like about its educational design?
- If you were to iterate on it, or make changes, what concepts/theories/experiences would you lean into and would be most applicable?
- What kinds of usability concerns does it raise? What limitations do you see in this product?
Looking ahead:
Assignment #1: MakerSpace Training due on 9/23 (sign up asap!)
Assignment #2: Manipulatives Assignment due on 9/30
CLASS 2 – SEP 16
Learning Theories & Tangibles
Topics & Discussion
- Check-in about all class-related questions!
- Discussion leaders for this week on Learning Theories & Tangibles
- Learning Theories Introduction — Behaviorism, Cognitivism, Constructivism, & Constructionism
- Discussion on Tangibles & Videos
Design & Construction Lab
- Explore & play with manipulatives. What resonates? What doesn’t? Why?
- Kick-off the Manipulatives Assignment
Assignments for Next Week
- Schedule & plan for Assignment #1: Makerspace Training, due 9/23, post your notes on the #makerspace2024 channel.
- Begin Assignment #2: Manipulatives Assignment due on 9/30
- Read & React:
- Cooper, A., Reimann, R., Cronin, D., Noessel, C. (2014). Understanding the Problem: Design Research NYU Library or Drive
- Antle, Alissa N., and Alyssa F. Wise. “Getting down to details: Using theories of cognition and learning to inform tangible user interface design.” Interacting with Computers 25, no. 1 (2013): 1-20. [NYU Library or Drive]
- MagneTracks: A Tangible Constructionist Toolkit for Newtonian Physics or Drive
- Snyder, Carolyn. Paper prototyping: Chapter 1 NYU Library Link OR Joep Frens Cardboard “Cardboard Modeling” NYU Link, also in Drive
CLASS 3 – SEP 23
Learning Theories & Microcontrollers
Topics & Discussion
- Discussion leaders for this week on Design Research, TUI Design & MagneTracks
- Learning Theories review
- Cognitivism: Information Processing
- Constructivism
- Embodiment
- Distributed Cognition
- Collaborative Learning
- Into to Microcontrollers & Educational Hardware Platforms
Design & Construction Lab
- Make Learning Theories reference card
- Explore & Play with physical computing platforms for education (Microbit, MakeyMakey, Cibi Clip, DanceBits, etc.)
Assignments for Next Week
- Assignment #2: Analog Manipulatives Assignment due on 9/30, post link to the #manipulatives2024 channel.
- Wrap up Assignment #1: MakerSpace Training (if you haven’t yet)
- Read & React:
- Why Tangibility Matters: A Design Case Study of At-Risk Children Learning to Read and Spell or Drive
- Bennett, Cynthia L., and Daniela K. Rosner. “The Promise of Empathy: Design, Disability, and Knowing the” Other” (full article, NYU Drive Link or ACM Database)
- Ruha Benjamin, “Rethinking Design Thinking” (excerpt from Race after Technology, 116-119) pp. 116-119 (Drive or NYU Library whole chapter is included but only excerpt is required).
- Install Arduino IDE software and bring a USB adapter if you need one
Empathy, Equity, & Computing
Topics & Discussion
- Discussion leaders for this week on Tangibility, Empathy & Design
- Empathy in Design and counter perspectives on Design Thinking and the limitations of HCD
- Analog Manipulatives Assignment Show & Tell!
Design & Construction Lab
- Physical Computing Lab:
- Overview, what is a micro-controller
- Breadboard and wires
- Hello World! (Blinking LEDs)
- First Circuit: Digital Input & Output
- Programming basics
Assignments for Next Week
- Read & React:
- de Medeiros Braz, Leonara, et al. “Participatory design of technology for inclusive education: A case study.” International Conference on Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Springer, Cham, 2017 (Drive or NYU Library)
- Costanza-Chock, Sasha. Design Justice, Chapter 2: “Nothing about us without us” (NYU Library or Drive )
- Assignment #3: Start planning for the first part of your Interactive Electronics design. Start identifying the input & output you want to try, and the interaction you want to design! You can/should work in teams of 2-3ppl. Due 10/15.
Preparing for Partner Visit
Topics & Discussion
- Discussion leaders for this week on Participatory Design & Design Justice
- Introduction to Final Project
- Themes for this year & project overview
- How to prepare for Partner’s visit & interview
Design & Construction Lab
- Microcontrollers and sensors continued
- Digital vs. Analog
- Thinking about interactions & making your own sensor
- Open questions/troubleshooting tips
Assignments for Next Week
- Continue working on Assignment #3: your simple interactive learning game is due 10/28 but the first part, thinking about what input and output you want to prototype is due next week, 10/15.
- Read & Discuss:
- Getting Down to Details: Using Theories of Cognition and Learning to Inform Tangible User Interface Design (Journal Link, Drive)
- Seven Principles to Design Embodied Sensemaking [Video][Paper]
- Project Milestone #1: Prepare interview questions for our community partner. Conduct some background research on the organization and mission to identify your questions ahead of next week’s visit!
CLASS 6 – OCT 15 !! Monday on Tuesday !!
Designing Interactions and Partner Interview
Topics & Discussion
- Discussion leaders for this week on Learning, Interfaces and our Bodies.
- Prep for partner interview (i.e. consolidate & organize interview questions)
- Input & Output Assignment Show & Tell!
Data Analysis Lab
- Interview Stacey Ornstein — Project Community Partner
- Overview of Project Deliverables for Following Week
- What is an annotated bibliography
- Affinity Diagramming/Clustering
- Qualitative Coding/Thematic Analysis
- Rose Bud Thorn method (Qualities, Opportunities and Challenges
Assignments for Next Week
- Read & Discuss:
- A Brief Rant on the Future of Interaction Design
- Houde, S., & Hill, C. (1997). Ch. 16: What do prototypes prototype. Handbook of human-computer interaction, 2, 367-381. NYU Library Link or Drive
- Assignment #3: Arduino Assignment, due 10/28. You can work in teams and we look forward to seeing your fun learning games!
- Project Milestone #2: complete your Interview Analysis and post it on Slack.
CLASS 7 – OCT 21
Project Brainstorming & Prototyping
Topics & Discussion
- Discussion leaders for this week on Interaction Design and Prototypes.
- Discuss Project Themes and begin the group formation process.
- Checking in regarding Arduino Assignment due next week!
Design & Construction Lab
- Open questions/troubleshooting tips for microcontroller project
- In-class Project time:
- Initial problem brainstorming, begin crafting your design goals, solidify your topic domain, and begin crafting your learning objectives.
- Sketching — translating insights into activity design ideas
- As a reference, you can check out NYC curriculum resources and Science Scope and Sequence for grades k-8.
- Designing a playtest for early playtesting with Stacey. What questions do you have for our partner and how can your prototype/sketches facilitate answering them?
Assignments for Next Week
- Please fill check out the Themes for the final project and add your thoughts/ideas/preferences so we can begin the group formation process and flash out some ideas together next week.
- Begin working on Project Milestone #3: Brainstorm and sketch 3 low-fi prototypes for your final project. Meet with folks interested in similar themes/project ideas and discuss further! We will workshop those next week in class and finalize them ahead of Stacey’s and other Educators’ visit.
- Read & Discuss:
- Bautista, M. A., Bertrand, M., & Morrell, E. (1003). Participatory Action Research and City Youth: Methodological Insights From the Council of Youth Research. Teachers College Record, 115, 23.
- Watch: Michelle Fine, Youth Participatory Action Research
- Recommended additional reading: The Pedagogy of the Oppressed, by Paulo Freire
CLASS 8 – OCT 28
Workshopping Final Project Ideas
Topics & Discussion
- Discussion leaders for this week on YPAR and Participatory Design for Learning
- Interactive Learning Game Show & Tell!
- Final project ideas
Design & Construction Lab
- In-class Project time:
- Initial problem brainstorming, begin crafting your design goals, solidify your topic domain, and begin crafting your learning objectives.
- Sketching — translating insights into activity design ideas
- As a reference, you can check out NYC curriculum resources and Science Scope and Sequence for grades k-8.
- Designing a playtest for early playtesting with Stacey. What questions do you have for our partner and how can your prototype/sketches facilitate answering them?
- Designing materials for early playtesting:
- “ingredients” for the curriculum activity
- What would students make in the end (what media are they exploring)
- Sketches of the tangibles
- The larger theme & smaller learning goal
- We could use some of these brainstorming exercises to facilitate or worksheets/cards
Assignments for Next Week
- Read & Discuss:
- Project Milestone #4: Draft of Learning Activity Design & Curriculum plan.
Early Playtesting
Topics & Discussion
- Discussion leaders for this week on Children Maker Culture.
- In-class user testing: how to provide feedback to each other
Design & Construction Lab
- Playtesting early ideas!
- Sharing of 3 lo-fi prototypes for the final project
- Low-Fi playtesting of certain aspects of the design
- Sharing early stage ideas for learning activity designs
- Project time
Assignments for Next Week
- Post a one-page reflection on your findings from early playtesting. What changes, further research, and iterations would you like to make for next week?
- Project Milestone #5: Iterate on your ideas to produce a higher fidelity prototype for the teachers’ visit next week. The prototypes should be in playable/interactable form. Here is an activity template as well as a higher level curriculum template example from Allergic to Salad. You don’t need to use these but they are here if they are helpful!
- Add 5 sources to your annotated bibliography relevant to your theme/idea/topic, and document it online.
CLASS 10 – NOV 11
Testing Higher-fidelity Prototypes
Topics & Discussion
- Learning Goals and Objectives discussion
- Sharing of higher fidelity prototype in progress and your curriculum activity
- Designing for Accessibility
Design & Construction Lab
- Playtesting with Partners & educators!
- Troubleshooting and debugging prototypes
Assignments for Next Week
- Read & Discuss:
- Instructional Design Evaluation by Cheryl Calhoun, Shilpa Sahay, & Matthew Wilson (Chapter 14) in McDonald, J. K. & West, R. E. (2021). Design for Learning: Principles, Processes, and Praxis (1st ed.). EdTech Books.
- Project Milestone #6: Prepare a draft of a feedback and evaluation form for the students to fill out on the day of your activity. How do you plan to capture information about learners’ experiences?
- Continue iterating on your higher fidelity prototype based on feedback session.
CLASS 11 – NOV 18
Evaluating Learning Experiences
Topics & Discussion
- Evaluating a Learning Environment & Learner Evaluations
- Making the most of the user test: documenting findings and how they will impact the final design.
Design & Construction Lab
- Iterate & build out your activity for students
- Preparing for testing!
Assignments for Next Week
- Project Milestone #7: High-fidelity prototype in preparation for user testing session & lesson plan and additional resources for feedback.
CLASS 12 – NOV 25
Iterating & Project Work
Topics & Discussion
- Get ready for High-Fi User testing
- Plan how you will run with the students
Design & Construction Lab
- Prepare for user testing with real middle-school students!
- Finalize evaluation plan
- Project time
Assignments for Next Week
- Document findings from user testing, plan for changes.
- Iterate on Final Prototype.
CLASS 13 – DEC 2
Testing with Learners
Topics & Discussion
- High-Fi User testing
- Student test run with Community Partner at Partner’s site!
Design & Construction Lab
- Prepare any last items for user testing with real middle-school students!
Assignments for Next Week
- Document findings from user testing, plan for changes.
- Project Milestone #8: Iterate and work on your final Presentation!
- Final round of iterations on your prototype.
CLASS 14 – DEC 9
Final Presentations
Topics & Discussion
- Final Prototype Presentations and Sharing
- Sharing of lessons learned
- Final Report Expectations
Assignments for Next Week
- Project Milestone #9: Final Report/Project Documentation.
- Course evaluations
- Team assessment
We won’t be meeting, but all project documentation and final report are due.