End of Semester Deliverables and the Showcase

You’re almost at the end of the thesis process, congratulations! 

    • Your final class meeting is where you will give a formal presentation (slides, present documentation, etc) to your instructors, classmates and anyone else you wish to invite. These presentations will not be made to full-time IDM or TCS faculty unless they have been invited by you and are able to be present; there are no group critiques on this day in class. If there are non-NYU guests you are expecting, you will need to register them in the JRNY Access Request Form. These presentations should be 10 minutes long and describe what you made, why you made it, the process, and what sort of conclusions you can draw from your work and research.
    •  There will be a google drive folder for you to submit your papers. Signed versions will be returned to you to upload to Proquest by Dec 13 — this is a school wide, non-negotiable date for all thesis papers. You must follow the formatting guidelines laid out in the attached document. The week before the paper is due to the faculty, you should have everything formatted and send it to Jose Ulerio at jmu220@nyu.edu who can verify you if it is formatted properly. Paper guidelines for Spring 2024 can be found here.
    • You will present your work to a group of your instructors and IDM\TCS faculty. Don’t sit around waiting for something to happen — visit your friends’ project, find someone to talk to about your project, use this time to interact with each other and see one another’s work before the chaos of the showcase. Do not prepare slides for this — you are showing off your work for the faculty to experience and interact with; the work should stand on its own at this time.
    • You will participate in the showcase on December 13 and help with breakdown as directed by Sam Jackson and the tech staff. Anyone who leaves early or shirks duty in clean-up and show breakdown will be penalized on their grade. Grades will be finalized by your instructors with input from your final presentations and group critiques.
    • Your archival documentation is to be a publicly accessible portfolio page or a standalone website that features your project. This could be part of a existing portfolio, or a new site, but it must be something that can stand on its own. It is the site we will link to from the idm.show website for the showcase.