
Weekly Updates



This week the Luv Michael team went to visit the Luv Michael facility in person. I was unfortunately unable to go at the last minute, but the VIP Luv Michael Team met afterwards and they caught me up on everything they learned while they were there. We discussed the project regarding a gift bag holder and tool that can be used to steady the bags and make it easier for the staff to tie them. We discussed some ideas and how we might go about this, and decided we will each ideate and then meet to iterate and discuss. 

The Luv Michael gift bag we will be using for the project


I spent a lot of time this week just trying to get as many switches printed as possible for the switch adapting workshop with MMC that is happening in December. I also bought one of the toys that is adapted in the workshops to try it out myself, so that when I hopefully run another workshop at some point next month I will know what I am doing! 


This week the Luv Michael team met with the Developing Assistive Technology class to discuss what they have been working on in class, and to learn more about the projects and needs they have learned about from Luv Michael. We discussed the handful of projects that were proposed to the Developing Assistive Technology team, and they told us about the work they have done so far on the projects they are working on in class. We discussed logistics as well, and we came to the conclusion that it would make the most sense for the Developing Assistive Technology team and the EAT VIP team to work on different projects separately, given various constraints on schedules and it would also result in more solutions being solved! 


While I didn’t get to much this week, I worked on finding organizations to reach out to and wrote some emails to connect with them as partners to work with on some events, and I am hoping to hear back soon! 


I got to meet Patrick, Vivi, and Haley this week, and spoke with them about how we can collaborate with printing out TOM prints. Patrick told us about some of the things he wanted to work on as well, and I walked them through the spreadsheet I put together with the prints and specs that Patrick can work on. 


This week I have been in touch with the TKU people to coordinate a meeting so that we can collaborate with Patrick on printing the TOM files for the Ability Project. I am meeting with Haley, Vivi, and Patrick at Tandon on Friday to get connected with them and to get started on the project for Patrick. I also met with some of the people who have reached out to me about wanting to be a part of the TOM leadership (@Bella:) ). I am finalizing the Student Activity Board new club development application to get TOM to be an official campus organization, so I have been writing the mission statement, event plans, constitution, and more. I also reached out to the people from Level the Curve to see how I can get involved in their projects. 



This week I spent a good chunk of my time looking into accessible templates for my blog. I have learned (minimally) about accessibility UX/UI principles before, but I went a bit further into learning more about that. I was reminded also about the Deque accessibility course that I started a while ago that I kind of fell off the wagon with… but I am trying to get back into that and hoping to stay with it and complete the course! I also worked to compile and organize the TOM products that are just 3D printed components that Patrick could work on printing that we can use to display in the Ability Project Museum! I compiled the links to the files along with the details that are needed to streamline the process and to give Patrick the essential information he needs to print the files, such as infill, material, and more. I am also working on compiling a bunch of TOM promotional materials for outreach, and trying to ask people to look them over to make sure the mission is clear when I send it out/post it!


done this week: 

  • Google form for leadership team 
  • Makerspace registration 
  • NYU club application 



Student Interest Groups: 

  • UX/UX 
  • Disability Studies 
  • Engineering 
  • Social Impact 
  • Occupational/ Physical therapy




Week of 12/1

Since I was able to come in person again this week, I got to play around with the Swell form, testing Spandita’s instruction manual. I was not expecting it to be such a quick process, but to my suprise I was able to figure it out relatively quickly. I kept track of a few of the questions I had that were not addressed in Spandita’s instructions— 

  1. Do I have to draw it myself?
  2. Where’s the switch
  3. Put in printer face up or down
  4. How to know if I should run it through again

Other than these, the manual was very clear and helpful. I am excited to get to use it more, and possibly work on creating tactile stickers with it for next semester! 



Week of 11/17

Finally got to come in person to the space which was awesome!!! Played around a lot with the doors, and realized that they are pretty messed up… atatching links I used below. Next steps are working on the main doors, which are not as broken, making sure that people know how to correctly operate them.

5100 Series Automatic Sliding Doors by record-USA



Week of 11/3

Really hoping to get to come in person soon to start tinkering around with the doors! I have been a little stuck since I do not completely understand what it is that I am working with, but I have been looking up the specific brand of doors and reviews of them to see what problems other people also had with them. Videos have definitely been helpful as well in trying to visualize the potential problems. Hopefully I will start coming up with solutions as soon as I get in to the space in person. 


Week of 10/27

This week I just did some more research and comparison into all the different types of suction handles we can try on the sensor doors in the Ability project. I have been looking into different types of suction cups, and what works best on what material and is the strongest/sturdiest. I found one link that summed everything up perfectly in charts which made it easy to refer back to also. Based on that I chose the ones that seemed most ergonomic to be easiest to use for people with a range of abilities and limited dexterity/mobility. 


Week of 10/20

This week I spent more time looking into how the door works since the manual was not sufficient enough for me. I found a few helpful links, but I don’t think that I will really understand it enough to tinker with or modify it at all until I am able to make it into the Ability Project space in person and play around with it. I also looked for different handles that we can order for the door to make it open more easily. I compared a ton of different suction-cup handle attachments, and I am attaching a link to the one that seemed the best ergonomically, strongest, and overall best reviews which is the one I think we should try first.


Week of 10/13

This week I read through the automatic door manual (attatched below), trying to figure out the basic mechanics of it and understand how the door works. The manual did not have as much as I had hoped it would- it mostly was about safety checks. I definitely need to search online for other manuals and/or explanations of these automatic doors and how they work. Hopefully I will also be able to come in to the physical space soon to play around with the doors to get my own understanding of the ins and outs of them.

record-usa sliding door owners manual


Week of 10/29

My goals for this week are to review my blog from last semester, refresh myself on all the research that I did, and look through all the potential projects for this semester to see what interests me and start brainstorming some ideas.


Fall ’21!

I’m so excited to be back working on the EAT VIP team this semester, and looking through the list of projects, I am getting even more excited! I definitely want to be involved in the physical space of the Ability Project, rather than the website, creating any of the projects that are part of making the space as accessible as possible. I would love to work on anything that is using CAD/3D printing. I would really love to be a part of the team that works on the automatic door trigger, since I did a project once that was somethinig similar. I also think it would be so cool to design it and figure out what works best. I would also want to contribute somewhat to the multisensory room this semester, since it is what I focused on last semester and I thought it was so cool and interesting. Also, I worked at an overnight camp this summer, and just by chance they were creating their own version of an outdoor multisensory space, which was super exciting for me since I had just done a lot of research on it. So being able to continue with that would also be great for me. 


To wrap up what I have been working on this semester, I wanted to make sure that everything that I learned and all the resources that I found to be useful were organized and included on my blog for easy access. I reread the materials and sorted them based on what they would be most useful for in the future. I also went back through all my research notes to make sure that there was nothing that I left out. My goal was to organize all the information and resources that I used throughout the semester, for others to benefit from them in the future.