This week was a lot simpler than the recent ones, seeing as it is just a fancy cylinder at the end of the day. This left me time to experiment with transparency.
I know that avoiding transparency was initially one of the rules surrounding the project, but that was because 1: I didn’t think I could do it; and 2: I worried it might mess with the composite. Now, I’ve figured out how to do it, and have found out that the transparency doesn’t clash with the composite because only the model is affected, meaning I can do this more in the future without worrying about it.
This week, we did a collaborative output, meaning I collaborated with Jullie Chung ( on the output. We started by brainstorming ideas for an object to work around, eventually landed the idea of a bottle rocket. So I took a picture of the bottle and modelled it, and she made it into a rocket. I think the end result looks great with my only regret being that I sent her the composited version meaning she had to crop it out again. Lesson learned I guess.