Week 11 – Bus

Week 11 – Bus

This week’s post is based off of a bus.

As a part of this week’s documentation, I decided to take a screenshot at each milestone in development. First is the basic shaping where for this week, it was obviously a rectangle. Next is the additional shaping where I added all the parts that make the model recognizable as a bus. After that is the detail mapping where I replaced the rectangle’s walls with the detailed cut outs. Then is the final detailed look. Following that is the UV mapping which is a very important step that makes texturing possible. Then is the texturing which I realized was lacking in color when I finished. I decided to add the blue stripe from the original and that required redoing most of the steps following detail mapping. After that is the lighting which I made a little fancy by including the headlights and lights for the sign. Last is the final render and composite. I think I will continue doing this for the next few posts as I really shows the progression well.

The source image for Week 11
Basic blocking finished
All primitive shapes added and positions
Windows and indents mapped and cut out
All detailing finished
UV Maps finished
Texture work finished
Some construction redone to add the blue stripe and lighting added
Final Render for Week 11

AuthorRyan Daly

Current IDM student at NYU Tandon.

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