Week 01


-Course overview, review of syllabus, required supplies and software, introductions. Quick intro to instructor

-Lecture: Introduction to Wearables: Theory, History, and Practice.

-LAB: Arduino Nano overview, on-board Sensors and IMU. Design exercise: Gesture recognition

assignments for next week 

  • Assign 01: Sign-up for a reading to lead discussion 
  • Join the Discord <– invite link
  • Reading 01: Susan Elizabeth Ryan, Garments of Paradise, “Chapter 01, Disparate Histories.” Post response to Discord before start of class. (Via syllabus: “All required readings must be completed in advance of class with a short (200 word max) reading response posted to the Discord. You may comment your response directly or link to a google doc or personal blog post. “)
  • Bring supplies for next week’s lab: needle, thread, scrap fabric (t-shirt or pillow case), scissors