Project 1

Project 01: Creative Data Tracking – 25% (Midterm) 

One of the most common features of commercial wearable design is biometric data tracking, often for the purposes of improving or correcting human behavior. But what are the limits of biometric data, particularly when considering the diversity of factors that might impact a given body and their position in time and space? What else can data do, aside from seek to correct? Can data reveal, be ambiguous, contradict itself, explore, or be expressive in how it is represented? Using “data tracking,” as a departure point, design a wearable that reveals or visualizes something about the world around you; that interrogates data tracking as a practice; that builds context around seemingly neutral data points; or that that measures and visualizes data in an unconventional way.

Due Week 07, 10/19

Grading Rubric:

Process/ Iteration /5 Strength of concept /5 Technical Execution /5 Aesthetic Execution /5 Documentation /5 Total /25