Assignment 05

Assignment 05: Wearable for non-Human Interaction- 8%

Design a wearable for something other than a human: an animal, plant, building, infrastructure, robot, or ghost—the goal of this project is to consider technology design from a lens that is less human-centered. 

Alternatively, you can design something wearable for a human, that is designed to improve the wearer’s relationship, or create a dialogue with, something non-human, but your design should center non-human needs.

Your final piece must include some aspect of a physical prototype, but you may “wizard-of-oz” aspects of it if your design is too speculative to fully function. 

Due: 11/16



Assignment 04

Assignment 04: Soft Interface -8%

Produce a novel soft interface such as a soft switch, pressure pad, or touch sensor through use of e-textile materials (conductive nylon tape, conductive thread, conductive fabric, copper tape, etc.) Your switch can be part of a simple circuit or it can be read with a microcontroller. 

Post an image or short video to Discord #assignment04 and be prepared to present in class. 

Teamwork welcome.

Due 11/09

Assignment 03

Assignment 03: Motor Study- 8%

Integrate one or more motor into a wearable “simple machine.” You motor should be mounted to a structure of some kind (laser cut, 3-D print, paper, cardboard, popsicle sticks etc.) This is an opportunity to exercise prototyping skills, if you have access to Maker Space, I highly recommend you use it!

Post an image or short video to Discord #assignment03 and be prepared to present in class. 

Teamwork encouraged but not required!

Due 09/28

Assignment 02

Assignment 02: Low-Tech Wearable -8%

Create a wearable that tracks, visualizes, or represents data, but does not use advanced technology. Post an image or short video to Discord #assignment02 and be prepared to present in class. 

[Edit: What constitutes advanced technology? good question!! you’d be right to point out that textiles are a type of technology in and of themselves… for the purposes of this assignment let’s define “advanced technology” as something that requires an external power source (battery, wall power, etc.)]

Due 09/21