Design Research, Methods & Principles
Bella Martin and Bruce Hanington, ‘Universal Methods of Design’
Written by a CMU School of Design faculty member and alumni — a comprehensive collection of methods. Literature Archive
A very comprehensive set of articles and papers on topics related to interaction design and human-computer interaction.
Ilpo Koskinen, Johan Redström, John Zimmerman, Stephan Wensveen, and Thomas Binder, ‘Design Research Through Practice’
Three models for design research in the field of Human-Computer Interaction.
Annemiek van Boeijen, Jaap Daalhuizen, Jelle Zijlstra and Roos van der Schoor, ‘Delft Design Guide’
A collection of methods as taught at TU Delft’s faculty of Industrial Design Engineering, the largest design school in Europe
Elizabeth Sanders & Pieter-Jan Stappers, ‘Convivial Toolbox’
A collection by Liz Sanders (famous for MakeTools) and Pieter-Jan Stappers, a professor at TU Delft.
Onny Eikhaug and Rama Gheerawo (eds.), ‘Innovating with People: The Business of Inclusive Design’
Written by researchers from the Norwegian Design Council and the Royal College of Art, London. Specifically focuses on design research methods with people, with an inclusive (universal) design and business innovation focus.
Cultural Probes
Bill Gaver, Tony Dunne and Elena Pacenti, ‘Cultural Probes’
Steve Portigal, ‘Interviewing Users’
Svend Brinkman, ‘Qualitative Interviewing’
Wendy Hollaway, ‘Doing Qualitative Research Differently’
Robert S. Weiss, ‘Learning From Strangers’
Observational Studies
James Spradley, ‘Participant Observation’
Margarethe Kusenbach, ‘Street Phenomenology: The Go-along as Ethnographic Research Tool’
Nicolas Nova, ‘Beyond Design Ethnography’
Other Methods
Sarah Pink, ‘Doing Sensory Ethnography’
Emmison, Smith, & Mayall, ‘Researching the Visual’
Eric Laurier, ‘How Breakfast Happens in the Cafe’
Elizabeth Shove, ‘The Design of Everyday Life’
OCAD Creative Technique Handbook
Roberta Tassi’s Service Design Tools
Design with Intent Toolkit and Blog
Behavioural Design Lab Library
Microsoft Inclusive Design Toolkit
Johannes Zachrisson Daae’s Dimensions of Behaviour Change cards
Karin Lidman and Sara Renström’s How to Design for Sustainable Behaviour
Helen Hamlyn Centre for Design’s Designing With People
Susan Michie, Lou Atkins and Robert West’s Behaviour Change Wheel
Bart Schutz’s Wheel of Persuasion
Hanna Zoon’s Collection of Design Toolboxes
Johnson Controls Sustainable Cultures Engagement Toolkit (Catherine Greene & Lottie Crumbleholme)
Joanna Choukeir’s Design Methods Resources
Venessa Miemis’s collection of Card Decks
Sebastian Deterding’s ‘Coding Conduct’ presentations
Cabinet Office\Institute for Government’s Mindspace
Jasper van Kuijk’s Usability in Practice Cards
Artefact Group’s Behavior Change Strategy Cards
Stephen P. Anderson’s Mental Notes cards
IIT Institute of Design Brains, Behavior and Design toolkit
Kristian Tørning’s Persuasive Design Site
BJ Fogg’s Stanford Persuasive Technology Lab and Behavior Wizard
Practice-Based Research
Daniela Rosner, ‘Reshaping the limits of design in HCI’
Bill Gaver, ‘What Should We Expect from Research Through Design?’
John Zimmerman and Jodi Forlizzi, The Role of Design Artifacts in Design Theory Construction
Danny Godin and Mithra Zahedi, Literature review on Research Through Design
Christopher Frayling, ‘Research in Art and Design’
Plus a 2015 ‘update’ video from Frayling discussing the ideas, their impact and (mis)interpretation:
Alex Seago, ‘Research Methods for MPhil & PhD students in Art and Design: Contrasts and Conflicts’
Gabriela Goldschmidt, ‘Visual Analogy – a Strategy for Design Reasoning and Learning’
Rudolf Arnheim, ‘Sketching and the Psychology of Design’
Malcolm McCollough, ‘Abstracting Craft’
Participatory, Co-Design, & Design for Social Innovation
Viktor Papanek, ‘Design for the Real World’
Pelle Ehn, ‘Setting the Stage for Design as Action’
Binder, Ehn, Brandt and Halse, ‘Democratic design experiments: between parliament and laboratory’
Elizabeth Sanders and Pieter Jan Stappers, ‘Co-Creation and the New Landscapes of Design’
Boyer, Cook and Steinberg, ‘Recipes for Systemic Change’
Bruce Nussbaum, ‘Is Humanitarian Design the New Imperialism?’ with the entire debate on Design Observer
Speculative\Critical Design & Design Fictions
Anthony Dunne, ‘Hertzian Tales’
Anthony Dunne and Fiona Raby, ‘Speculative Everything’
James Augur, ‘Speculative Design: Crafting the Speculation’
James Langdon, “A School for Design Fiction’
Matt Ward, ‘Design Fiction as Pedagogic Practice’
Jeff and Shaowen Bardzell, ‘What is Critical About Critical Design?’
Luiza Prado and Pedro Oliviera, ‘Questioning the Critical in Critical Design’
Francisco Laranjo, ‘Critical Everything’
Systemic & Transition Design
Horst Rittel and Melvin Webber, ‘Dilemmas in a General Theory of Planning’
Richard Buchanan, ‘Wicked Problems in Design Thinking’
Jeff Conklin, ‘Wicked problems and social complexity’
Terry Irwin, ‘Wicked Problems and the Relationship Triad’
Cameron Tonkinwise, ‘It’s Just Going to be a Lotta Hard Work: Radical Sustainability Innovation’
Hugh Dubberly, ‘What is Systems Design?’
Paul Pangaro, ‘Design for Conversation’
Birger Sevaldson, ‘About Systems Oriented Design’
Terry Irwin and Gideon Kossoff, ‘Transition Design’
Design Futures
Sohail Inayatullah, ‘Six Pillars: Futures Thinking for Transforming’
Sohail Inayatullah, ‘Causal Layered Analysis’
Stuart Candy, ‘The Futures of Everyday Life: Politics and the Design of Experiential Scenarios’
Design History
Bill Moggridge, Designing Interactions
Adamson, Riello & Teasley, Global Design History
Wen Huei Chou, ‘Design History in Globalization and the Place of East Asian Design’
Design Studies
Annemarie Willis, ‘Ontological Designing’
Cameron Tonkinwise, ‘Design Studies: What is it good for?’
Richard Buchanan, ‘Design Research & the New Learning’
Lucy Kimbell, ‘Rethinking Design Thinking Part I’
Natasha Iskander, ‘Design Thinking Is Fundamentally Conservative and Preserves the Status Quo’
Design Ethics & Politics
Decolonising Design Platform, Manifesto
Peter Paul-Verbeek, Moralizing Technology
Tony Fry and Adam Nocek, Design in Crisis
Ahmed Ansari, Design’s Missing Others…
Making Art
Steven Pressfield, ‘War of Art’
Julia Cameron, ‘The Artist’s Way’