Phase 2, Post 8

I think one of the topics that today’s two guests overlaps is that they all focused on the people underprivileged. Dr. Michael Lindsey’s major focus is on how to solve poverty. Unlike many other organization does (basically they try to give them monetary assist and presumably this would relief their poverty), The McSilver Institute wants to do research and find the roof of causing poverty, and solve it from the bottom up. Technology can be a play changer, since many people are poor because of their lack in using modern techs. More technology being applied to the people in need may given them opportunities to change their lives. In Uzoma Orchingwa and the Amelio website, they cared about the incarcerated people. The building of such website is high tech, and their letter sending service is of course, the low tech side. Because he asserts that many children, who got connected to their family member in the jail, is through sending letters. Their goal is to make it a more versatile communication service. In my opinion, since in a jail, male and female are separated, the website can offer different information they needed offered by outside sources (news, magazines)… I don’t know how exactly what the website can do for now. 

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