Post 11, Phase 1, Harvard Lawsuit

As a foreign student, I’ve heard so many biases in college application. Harvard, as one of the most prestiges college around the world, cannot avoid such discrimination is understandable, since all the top colleges in the US does so. One of the weirdest news I’ve ever heard was that an Indian student did some makeup and pretend to be an African American students, with the same score, he actually got in a much better medical school than applied as an Indian student.

Here’s the link.

I’m not surprised. There are Chinese student got perfect scores, got involved in all kinds of activities, and got great great GPAs, but they still cannot compete with American Students.

The average score of an asian student is much higher than that of other students. Even though we consider African American students are the most vulnerable population in college application, they are actually the most “cared” ones. For the same spot, some of them need significantly less standardized score than Asian population. But this can not be solved and I don’t know why. Probably the world is always biased somehow.

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