Spring 2024

Week 1 (01/26/24), 2 (02/02/24)

The first day of the semester I got introduced to the Luv Michael Granola team that is working on the AR training experience (Learners United). I spent the first two weeks getting familiar with the project. The team was very helpful and welcoming :). We had our first team meeting on Monday, 02/05, where we discussed next steps. My goal for the week is to complete the CITI Training: GSP. I am also still spending some time going over the research from last semester.


Week 2 (02/09/24)

This week, I finished the CITI Training. We discussed the current prototype, and what software we would want to use for the next phase of the prototype. 


Week 3 (02/16/24) 

This week for Learners United, we decided we will be using Unity for the prototype. We started a Unity course on Coursera, “Introduction to AR Foundation in Unity”. 


Week 4 (02/23/24) 

This week, I met with Anthony to brainstorm ideas for the bag stand. We shortlisted some ideas for some components that we would use on the existing bag holder. The next step is 3D modeling and testing. 

For Learners United, we continued the Unity course, and also discussed logistics for the IRB. 


Week 5, 6, 7 (03/01/24, 03/08/24, 03/15,24) 

For Week 5, 6, 7 my team and I learned Unity using Youtube tutorials.

On week 5, I met with Anthony to discuss ideas for the bag holder. We have some ideas that Anthony will be fleshing out.

For week 7, we plan to review the IRB so we can submit it soon. We are also applying to the Research Exhibit! 


Week 9 (03/29/24) 

This week, my team and I applied to the Tandon Research Exhibit, and got accepted! 

I also met with Anthony to discuss ideas for the bag holder prototype. We decided to prototype with bag clips, and the bag holders we got off of Amazon. We discussed different orientations that Anthony will be prototyping. 


Week 10 (04/05/24) 

This week, my team and I discussed the Tandon Research Exhibit goals. We plan to attend the workshops for the Exhibit next week. We also decided to meet in-person since we believe it would be easier for collaboration. We also split the tasks among our teammates. I am hoping to participate more in the poster design, and helping with the AR components wherever I can. 


Week 11, 12 (04/12/2024, 04/19/2024) 

These two weeks have been busy with the Research Exhibit. My major role in preparing for the Research Exhibit was to work on the content we would be presenting. I collaborated with Sreya to create the poster, a pamphlet, and finally a flier for Autism Awareness month. 


Week 13 (04/26/2024) 

Today was the last day of the VIP for Spring 2024, and my group and I participated in the Tandon Research Exhibit. We set up the booth, and had a good experience telling everyone about our work. We got some good feedback and  also saw the projects of other groups, which was very inspirational. Overall, it was a great experience to present our work and we definitely created some great memories from this!