
Phase 2, Blog Post #9

In class, David Vintinner and Eduardo Molina presented about NYU’s Institutional Research & Data Integrity. They collect data about the diversity among the students at NYU and they use that data to help market NYU’s diversity to potential applicants, and they use this data to see areas where representation for a group could be higher. 

When looking at the data for male and female enrollment at NYU I was supprised when female enrollment was higher than male. Since going to Tandon leaves me isolated from main campus I forget that these statistics are about NYU as a whole, or at least the New York campus. Being at Tandon it feels like I am one of the maybe 5 female identifying people in the room especially as a computer science major. Tandon has a good ratio in comparrison to other schools because it has a 50% and 46% ratio of men to women. As I was creating this chart I was wondering how they deal with thoes who lie outside the gender binary, when collecting this information do they simply go by sex assigned at birth. Even  if they were to go by sex assigned at birth, there are more then two combinations of X and Y, in certian situations you get people who are intersex and have more than two chromozones determingin their sex such as XXY and XYY. As we beome more informes about thiese subjects I wonder how methods of data collection will change with the times. 


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