
Phase 2, Blog Post #3

Julie Ciccolini’s presentation of NADCL has a lot to deal with diversity, especially since it’s dealing with the criminal justice system which has a tendency to disproportionately affect ethnic minorities. It also helps diversify the technological experience on how to use their software to track and analyze information about individual officers and units. This information can help attorneys obtain information in order to

It’s amazing how these police records are “available to the public” however whenever it is requested they make it very difficult so whoever is requesting it just gives up. I took a look at the Citizens Police Data Project and the information it gives is very valuable. over 200,000 allegations but only 7% were disciplined, and with the ‘wonderful’ record of the police properly disciplined it could be assumed that the offending officers got paid leave, or maybe were given a lesser duty on the force. This site gives a neighborhood breakdown with the race and ethnicity percentages, so it gives even further proof of over-policing black neighborhoods.

The neighborhood highlighted a blue color above is 75% white and shows little to no activity, but if you look at the image below in the same blue highlight with a 91% black population the entire area is almost red with police activity.   


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