When reading the Mercer article I was surprised by the optimism the writer sees for the future of gender equality in the working field. I tend to have a more pessimistic approach because the world isn’t changing at the speed I would want it to, but they look at some attainable steps that if taken can help lower the differences between gender and ethnicity in high ranking positions.
I was surprised when I saw all the rankings while reading the World Economic Forum’s article. Leaders of the United States have always seemed to brag about how strong this country is and how advanced we are, but there are countries that are ranked higher in ‘Health and Survival’, ‘Political Empowerment’, and ‘Educational Attainment’ that are often dismissed by the US.
The Gates article helped illustrate how much worse the recession is now than in 2008. It’s astonishing that I’m only 19 years old but I’ve been able to live through two recessions. The recession has only highlighted the world’s problems in gender inequality.