
Phase 1, Blog Post #4

Diversity is a complex word that can have multiple meanings depending on the context it is being used in. Being literate in diversity would require some knowledge of how diversity relates to gender, ethnicity, race, and demographics. It is important to see how differently diversity is viewed in specific topics, and how now diverse is used as a general descriptor that shows something that is “non-normative”.

Being technologically literate is something that is becoming increasingly important, especially with a surge of online learning due to COVID-19. People who are technologically literate should be able to work independently, cooperatively, and effectively using the technology they have at their hands. A lot of the things that technology is used for has to do with producing content, collaborating, and spreading information, and this is critical to important information being spread, especially in 2020.

Security is something with an ever-changing definition, my first instinct when thinking about security is its relationship with technology, but in other times people may think about security from foreign nations. 


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