Max Calkins

Max Calkins – Fall 19

In what city or town did you grow up in?
San Francisco, CA

Where are you currently living?
San Francisco, CA

What was your major?
Sports Management

Why did you choose to study away at NYU Sydney?
I chose to study away in Sydney because it offered the perfect combination of classes to allow me to graduate a semester early, as well as the incredible locations that are only a short flight away. As a rising senior, I intended on graduating after the fall semester regardless of where I was studying. I fully expected to spend that last semester in New York because I knew the campus offered the appropriate classes. However, after discovering Sydney also offered the classes I needed to fulfill my requirements, it was a no-brainer.

How would you describe your experience at NYU Sydney?
As a student who had studied abroad once before, I thought I had an idea as to how the semester would play out. However, as every campus is so different, I would describe my experience at NYU Sydney as unique. Beyond the extensive travel, my internship also provided an incredibly unique experience as it allowed me to interact with the community more intimately than I ever could have hoped. My coworkers were incredibly welcoming and gave me a taste of Australia that only locals could provide. Furthermore, this opportunity expanded my professional network considerably.

What was your favorite class and why?
My favorite class was The Australian Experience because it was engaging and covered a variety of topics, all of which I found fascinating and relevant to Australia’s history. Each class we discussed a different topic significant to the experience of Australians, whether that be the republicanism of Australia or Australian crime. The subject matter provided us a background of the country in which we were living and provided context for the environment we interacted with every day.

What was your favorite trip, excursion (Student Life or class related)?
My favorite trip was the fall break trip to Uluru and Alice Springs provided by the Student Life department. It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to experience life in central Australia and connect with the native cultures that have inhabited the area for tens of thousands of years. It was also an incredible bonding experience with my fellow NYU Sydney classmates. Marcus and Laura ensured it was interesting and entertaining and educational. There was never a dull moment and although the trip was only four and a half days, it was an unforgettable four and a half days. My friends and I were also able to travel to New Zealand after Alice Springs so we weren’t forced to sacrifice our entire fall break either, which added to the trip’s appeal.

Where are you currently working/studying?
I’m currently interning with a sports organization in the Bay Area.

When thinking about your experience at NYU Sydney what stands out to you most?
Undeniably, my classmates I experienced Sydney with were the most enjoyable part of the semester. As our group was only 50 students, compared to the larger groups of 150+ in the spring, I was able to make meaningful connections with all of my peers without much effort. Although we’ve gone our separate ways, I have without a doubt made friendships that will last a lifetime.

How has your experience at NYU Sydney impacted life after college?
My experience in Sydney provided me so many memories that I will cherish for a long time. Beyond the improvement of character and independence, I think the most unexpected part of my time in Sydney was the development I made with my professional network. As my supervisor at my internship was American, she introduced me to numerous connections in my field of sports management in the United States that I have already utilized in my short time after returning from Sydney. This unplanned turn of events has opened up several doors for my career path that has certainly impacted my life after college in a positive way.