Jimmy Vazzana

Jimmy Vazzana – Spring 19

In what city or town did you grow up in?
Rochester, New York

Where are you currently living?
I’m back in Manhattan after an amazing semester at NYU Sydney! I live in an apartment in Noho that I moved into right after I returned from Australia.

What was your major?
I’m studying Sustainability & Design as a Gallatin student!

Why did you choose to study away at NYU Sydney?
The choice to study away is an important one. The choice to study away is an important one. My fellow NYU students and I have a unique advantage when it comes to studying away. New York University has a variety of sites spanning the globe, making the decision of “where?” critical. Before attending NYU Sydney, I had already spent a breathtaking summer term studying at NYU Florence. When I was planning to take a full semester at one of our global sites I was really channeling that amazing summer/school energy. New York winter is Sydney summer. During the spring semester, when New York is mostly cold and quite snowy, is the perfect time to bask in the Australian summer sun. Realizing this was the first part of why Sydney caught my attention. NYU Sydney has a great range of environmental type classes which I knew would be able to give my concentration a unique perspective and global reference to sustainability – this is what helped win me over.

How would you describe your experience at NYU Sydney?
I thrived at NYU Sydney. I would definitely categorize myself as an extrovert, but I found myself being more introspective while living in Australia. It was a really mentally healthy place for me. I was able to focus on my best self while making amazing new friends, taking amazing classes, and exploring a city (and part of the globe) that was entirely new to me. My life at NYU Sydney was a gorgeous balance of beach and books with NYU staff who helped me to feel at home. I snorkeled and scuba-ed the great barrier reef, I went on holiday in Bali, I hiked mountains filled with eucalyptus trees, I learned how to surf, and I explored coastal environments – all while bettering my understanding of the environment on levels of discourse, aesthetics, and functionality.

What was your favorite class and why?
I took Ecocriticism (Literature and the Environment), Environmental Journalism, Media and the Environment, and Anthropology of Indigenous Art. I absolutely loved all of these classes. I honestly can’t just choose one. I would say my top two would be Environmental Journalism and Ecocriticism. Professor Fran Molloy, who teaches Environmental Journalism, helped me to not only take a more global approach at understanding environmental communications but also made me fall in love with journalism and its power. Professor Laura McLauchlan, who teaches Ecocriticism, opened my eyes to different outlets of environmental discourse and how each has the power to get populations thinking.

What was your favorite trip, excursion (Student Life or class related)?
I loved when Professor Molloy took our Environmental Journalism class to the Sydney Coal Loader. It’s a really interesting example of urban greening as the North Sydney Council took a place once dedicated to coal and turned it into one where locals can relax and partake in community events such as yoga. I actually ended up using information from that field trip in an article I wrote on how green spaces allow for a better quality of life in urban areas.

Where are you currently working/studying?
I’m back on our Washington Square campus taking most of my courses in the Gallatin School of Individualized Study during my senior fall. I work for New York University as both an Admissions Ambassador and a Digital Ambassador.

When thinking about your experience at NYU Sydney what stands out to you most?
The thing that stands out the most is the continuous beaching. Cliche? Maybe it sounds that way, but I assure you if you go to Sydney, you’ll think twice about the impact a good beach can have on your psyche.

What would you say or recommend to a prospective Gallatin student looking to study in Sydney?
Go! For! It! – Gallatin gives you a unique opportunity to morph any study away site into your concentration. Think deeply about not only the courses but also the experiences you want to include in your personal path in Gallatin. Be mindful of courses you can petition to take care of Gallatin requirements and remember that you are the person who best knows your concentration and what you want to get out of it! Deciding to go to NYU Sydney is one of the best things that has happened to my concentration.

How has your experience at NYU Sydney impacted your plans for life after college?
NYU Sydney has made me think more about what makes me happy on a sustained day-to-day basis. It’s all about the environment you put yourself in. My time living in Australia pushes me to think out of the box and make a life for myself that leaves me feeling truly fulfilled. I’m not exactly sure what that is right now, but I have another year to prepare for my first step.