Kevin Chu

Kevin Chu – Spring 15

In what city or town did you grow up in?
Toms River, NJ, USA

Where are you currently living?
New York, NY

What was your major?

Why did you choose to study away at NYU Sydney?
Too many reasons to count. To name a few, I had always wanted to go to Australia leading up to my semester abroad. I grew up near the beach and love being in and near the water, and couldn’t resist the opportunity to surf at some of the best beaches in the world. I also found Australian culture to be appealing, feeling that I could fit in pretty well, and was curious about how similar or different another melting pot on the other side of the world would be. As an added bonus, the Australian accent is awesome.

How would you describe your experience at NYU Sydney?
I could go on forever in answering this question, but I’ll keep it simple and say that my time at NYU Sydney was a once in a lifetime experience, both literally and figuratively. For this reason, I never wanted to study abroad at another NYU global site.

What was your favorite class and why?
This is a very difficult question to answer because I honestly enjoyed all of my classes. I want to give a shoutout to some professors: Dr. Tim Marsh, whose enthusiasm and knowledge of psychology made his class so interesting and easy to relate to; Dr. Sean Blamires and Dr. Matt Brandley, who both fostered my interest in biology and made my first experience in a biology lab setting so great that I have continued to work in one full time; and Dr. Scott Chadwick, who brought so much life to organic chemistry lab. My favorite class, however, has to have been The Australian Experience. It was one that I couldn’t have taken anywhere else, and it really gave me a new understanding of a place that I decided to call home for four months. Additionally, Dr. Toby Martin added his own unique flair to teaching it, making it that much more memorable and enjoyable.

What was your favorite trip, excursion (Student Life or class related)?
I’d have to go with our first trip to Milson Island. Everyone was filled with so much energy and excitement, ready to take on whatever adventures awaited in the land down under, but also feeling slightly out of place and far from home. This simple similarity between us brought us together, creating a bond between the entire cohort that lasted the entire semester. The NYU Sydney and Milson Island staffs also created such a welcoming atmosphere, which made one of my first memories of my experience abroad one of the most memorable.

Where are you currently working/studying?
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

When thinking about your experience at NYU Sydney what stands out to you most?
It goes without saying that the entire time spent at NYU Sydney was memorable. What stands out most to me, however, is not any specific experience, but the people that I shared multiple experiences with. I grew to know them well throughout the semester, and a few have become some of my best friends with whom I still talk to and see to this day.

How has your experience at NYU Sydney impacted life after college?
Studying abroad taught me not to trust the illusion of time. Four months seemed like a lot, but my semester in Sydney passed much more quickly than what seemed fathomable. Unfortunately, there were things that I wanted to do, but never got around to doing. Now I make sure to put time aside to do or see the things that I want, because opportunities can pass very quickly. That being said, I wouldn’t change my experience for the world – the lesson has been learned, and I have multiple excuses to go back to Australia!