Tag: NYU Global

#GreenGraduates – An Interview with BennuAube Amen

The Green Graduate series is a collective of interviews and conversations with environmentally-minded and eco-conscious NYU graduates. As these students move on to the workforce, graduate programs, and other opportunities, we are struck with how different the world seems today than it did a few months ago. Our hope with this series is to inspire, motivate and most importantly, honor the class of 2020. 

Bennu on Capitol HillAs a Brooklyn native, it would have been easy for BennuAube Amen to fall into a familiar routine at NYU. When she started college in 2016, her experience with both the city and environmentalism were well beyond many of her peers. Bennu had the opportunity to get her feet wet in high school, volunteering  at the Brooklyn Botanical Garden. She thinks back to her time in the Botanical Garden often, learning about horticulture and botany, teaching young kids,  “that’s where I really learned to be a student,” she said. 

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