Author: bh1500

Viva Zero Waste: Week 1

Contributed by Brianda Hickey

For the month of November I will be viviendo a zero waste life and gracing your computer screens with my witty humor each week. 

Living zero waste comes with a lot of perks: people think you are super cool, you feel like a superhero saving the world and you discover new resources! I am a huge advocate for knowing your resources. Even with all the incredible self-esteem perks living zero waste brings, it is still a pain in my bum. To be completely honest. I have to constantly remember to carry around a reusable bag, pair of utensils, cup, straw and turn down Starbucks bagels! For me, the Starbucks bagels might be the worst part. They are $1.50 of buttery goodness that wrapped in a plastic bag and given to me with a plastic knife with a butter wrapped in foil. Read more