NYU Rolls Out University-wide IT Sustainability Initiative

From the devices in our hands to the cloud where important project documents are stored, information technology (IT) is a critical part of teaching, research, and work. As NYU IT requires substantial energy and resources to serve our diverse community needs, it also serves a major source of potential carbon reductions and energy savings. That’s why in 2019 NYU’s IT Sustainability Initiative formed: to reduce NYU IT’s carbon footprint. The Initiative is comprised of seven workstreams: 

  1. Data Centers and Cloud Computing
  2. IT Practices, Purchasing, Policy, and Culture
  3. Managed Devices: AV
  4. Managed Devices: Desktops and Printers
  5. Network Infrastructure
  6. Organizational Sustainability
  7. Telephony

3 photos: people talking in an office, a person making a copy, and a headset on a keyboard

Kim Musler, the Sustainability Initiative Lead and Analyst for University Data, explains: “Sustainability is a global priority, recognized as important by many institutions, companies, and at the personal level. As sustainability is a University-wide priority for President Hamilton, NYU IT is certainly focused on making a substantial contribution towards decreasing NYU’s carbon footprint.” As for impact, potential energy savings are significant. IT essentials, such as IT data centers, office spaces, and infrastructure hardware, all require energy to run. Manufacturing and shipping require additional resources. Given NYU’s scale, making IT operations as efficient and eco-friendly as possible can equate to substantial energy and cost savings. 

“Sustainability is a global priority, recognized as important by many institutions, companies, and at the personal level. As sustainability is a University-wide priority for President Hamilton, NYU IT is certainly focused on making a substantial contribution towards decreasing NYU’s carbon footprint.”

– Kim Musler, Sustainability Initiative Lead and Analyst for University Data

According to Musler, partnering across NYU schools and units has been critical to the Initiative’s success. Subject matter experts from schools and units lead and participate on a number of the workstreams. Example of a recent partnership win: Procurement and IT rolled-out iBuy offerings for desktops and laptops that are rated EPEAT (Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool). In addition to project-focused work: the Initiative also offers advice and quick tips to increase sustainable efficiency across the NYU community, such as: turn off equipment during downtimes/weekends/holidays; leverage multi-functional shared devices instead of personal ones; reduce/eliminate printing.

To learn more about the Initiative and accomplishments, check out the IT Sustainability Initiative website (only available with NYU SSO).

Special thanks to Kim Musler, Annie Merkle, Len Peters and the IT Sustainability Initiative Committee Members for their impressive and ongoing commitment to sustainability.