NYC’s Sustainable Trash Bin Policy: Revolutionizing Commercial Waste Management for a Greener City

Greetings, fellow urban dwellers! It’s your favorite city-dwelling pigeon here, flapping in with some exciting news about New York City’s recent trash bin revolution. Hold onto your feathers because the Big Apple is taking a significant step toward a cleaner, greener urban jungle.

What’s All the Coop About?

So, the humans at the NYC Department of Sanitation (DSNY) have rolled out a groundbreaking trash bin policy for commercial businesses. Starting March 1st, 2024, every business tossing out waste must use these fancy new containers with secure lids. No more unruly black bags cluttering the streets—just sleek, secure bins ready to tackle the city’s waste in style.

Feathers Up for the New Rule! 

This isn’t just a style upgrade, my feathered friends. These secure lids are here to tackle the unsightly mess of loose trash, reduce the rat parade, and create a healthier and safer living space for our human counterparts. It’s a win-win for everyone—less mess for us pigeons to navigate, and a cleaner, greener urban landscape for the humans. 

NYU Takes Flight

Guess what? NYU’s getting in on the action too! Our commercial facilities are already complying with this feather-friendly rule, ensuring that our waste pickups are as tidy as a freshly preened set of pigeon feathers.

trash bags piled up outside of an NYU building
7 containerized waste bins neatly securing waste outside of an NYU building
Before implementation of the rule After implementation of the rule!

What’s on the Horizon?

Hold onto your tail feathers because there’s more to come! DSNY plans to swoop in and containerize trash from small residential buildings starting in Fall 2024. They’re even testing out this revolutionary approach in larger residential buildings. Together, we can flap our wings and actively contribute to transforming the city into a more environmentally conscious and resilient paradise.

So, my feathery friends, let’s celebrate this trash bin makeover and soar together towards a greener, cleaner New York City! Flap on, eco-warriors!