2040 Now: Highlights & More

From April 17 to April 21, 2023, the NYU community was invited to explore climate optimism and new sustainability initiatives through the university-wide event, 2040 Now. 

We learned that through meaningful climate action, including both individual choices and societal involvement, there are different ways to create a climate-stable future and be healthier and happier. 

While the week of 2040 Now has passed, we invite you to explore some of our favorite moments from a week full of events, panels, competitions, initiatives, and sustainable change! 

Jess X. Snow speaking at Community Mural reveal

2040 Now Center

The 2040 Now Center offered the NYU community an opportunity to learn about climate solutions and envision a greener future. Over 25 administrative groups, student groups, and outside organizations shared how they are tackling climate change while artist in residence, Jess X. Snow, painted a mural that highlighted the role of Indigenous people and people of color in the climate movement.


2040 Now Ambassador in front of advocacy board.


Throughout the week, we challenged the NYU community to advocate in support of their vision for achieving a more sustainable and just future, and they did not disappoint! During 2040 Now, 368 NYUers took the 2040 Now Climate Action Pledge or reached out to their elected representatives. You can still explore our advocacy toolkit to create lasting, positive change. 

Students grabbing some food from Beyond Meat event.



We offered 70+ events and programming throughout the week for our community to join conversations on climate change. Events offered community members interactive, first-hand experiences on how to live more sustainably and focused on topics such as food systems, storytelling, resiliency, transportation, environmental justice, networking, and so much more.

A student modeling designs inspired by upcycling denim.



We hosted a variety of competitions for the NYU community to describe how they tackle climate change while having fun. Our short film competition featured stories that combat climate despair by inspiring us to act. Our writing competition featured op-eds from undergraduates advocating for the changes demanded by the climate crisis. While our Re-Fashion Show encouraged designers to explore the climate-related implications of how we dress.

Campus Safety on Bike PatrolNYU Initiatives

NYU piloted sustainability initiatives throughout the week to test their feasibility for larger-scale efforts – as change is necessary at the institutional level for NYU to meet its climate goals. These initiatives included plant forward menus in dining halls, with one day of plant-forward dining at two dining halls on campus leading to a reduction of around 55 metric tons of CO2 emissions, the roll out of Campus Safety’s Bicycle Response Unit for the first time in over a decade, and pop-up organics and e-waste collection to help the community reduce food waste and divert trash from the landfill. 


Many thanks to all members of our community for making 2040 Now possible. While 2040 Now has wrapped, NYU remains dedicated and committed to making our university one of the greenest urban campuses. In May, we started renovating Rubin Hall that will be the largest Passive House retrofit in the United States. With exciting, new initiatives and programs planned, we look forward to seeing you again.