NYU Helps Inaugurate Climate Alliance Among Top Global Research Universities

International Universities Climate AllianceNYU has long been a leader in climate change research (don’t forget to sign up for our mailing list to receive information about our first Climate Connections conference featuring faculty research into climate change, to be held Fall 2020). Now, NYU is helping to inaugurate a new international group – the International Universities Climate Alliance – to help communicate the research insights of faculty at NYU and across the globe.

President Hamilton states:

“New York University is proud to be a founding member of the Climate Alliance. As one of the world’s premier research universities — with academic centers on six continents — NYU stands ready to contribute our unique expertise and perspective to this important collaboration, and to work together to develop innovative solutions to climate change.”

Facilitated by the University of New South Wales Sydney, the Climate Alliance already includes over 40 members, including Caltech, Cornell, and Penn State in the US, as well as institutions in Canada, China, France, Finland, Germany, Ghana, Hong Kong, Singapore, the United Kingdom, and elsewhere. NYU will work together with this group of global leaders to identify the most effective ways to communicate research-based facts related to climate change to the public.

According to UNSW Sydney’s President and Vice Chancellor, Professor Ian Jacobs, because of the vital role universities play in advancing both science and solutions, the nonpolitical Climate Alliance “will be at the forefront of the international conversation around addressing climate change.”

Admittedly, it’s a challenging time to launch a new effort. However, despite the current urgency responding to the global pandemic, the members decided not to delay formation of the Alliance due to the pressing and ongoing need to accelerate climate action. 

Read NYU’s press release and for more information about the Climate Alliance, visit www.universitiesforclimate.org.