Resolution for Decarbonization Passes University Senate

On April 25, 2019, the University Senate passed a Resolution for Decarbonization.

This aspirational resolution calls on the University to consider a number of long-term climate impacts and chart a course for action on carbon reduction, community participation, and reporting. These areas include committing to 100% renewable power, heating, cooling, and transportation by 2040; better engaging internal stakeholders and partnering with environmental justice organizations; extending planning and goal setting to include global sites; updating NYU’s Climate Action Plan; and more.

The Sustainability Advisory Group, comprised of students, administrators responsible for major operational units, and members of the University Senate, generally supported the resolution, citing that the University is already exploring many of the items included through the Sustainability Working Group initiatives. The Sustainability Advisory Group named several areas where logistics, costs, or other issues may present challenges in meeting all the resolution’s goals.

NYU Assistant Vice President for Sustainability Cecil Scheib noted that in principle the resolution was in line with NYU’s existing public commitment to carbon neutrality by 2040, and that NYU has already reduced its carbon footprint 30%.

Read the full Resolution for Decarbonization to learn more.