rrr reading response makeup


I definitely think that monitoring the data during either the growing of certain seeds or the composting process is a great idea. And I think sharing the information amongst the community and passing it on to others to encourage and more importantly, enable the next person to actually plant the seeds is very important. After all, sharing knowledge and collaborating is how we survived as a species. I just wonder how practical it would be to only use the seed library as the bearer of the information, since in my opinion, no matter how detailed and exact a “tutorial” might be, having an actual person guiding you through the plating process might actually prove to be more beneficial. because the situation for everybody can be different and even if the data covers most of the variables, there could always be something missing. 

also I think the idea of designing for slowness is a pretty interesting idea. I won’t rant too much about how practical it might or might not be, but it definitely is a valid way of thinking and a good start of possible new ideas for new systems to combat the current utilitarian way of measuring the “success of society”.



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