My current definition of resilience is made towards different parts of life. I’m looking for emotional resilience which I define as to not be affected negatively by the internet and social media which are driven in a huge part by
Ary toy Final Project: 👀👀👀👀(IG account included)
Steve Sun Instagram for posting projects: @steve_makes_whatever Continuing the journey of the past few weeks, I decided to keep exploring the idea of making something vivid and lively in the most minimalist way possible. I found that eyes are the
Read More Ary toy Final Project: 👀👀👀👀(IG account included)
Subtraction week 11 and after: Finals
I continued with my testing for the runes on storm breaker, I was able to finish what I couldn’t cut from last time and got the result below: I got this result in about 50 mins, and I was pretty
Subtraction week 10: 4-axis & final prep
Last week unfortunately I did not have a chance to actually try out the machine, I simply put my CAD on the software and edited a bit. What I was testing out was a component for my final project that
Art toy week 2: easy eyes
This week I began testing some of my ideas about my characters. My idea is to create a bunch of characters that each have different body shapes, styles, and design details but obviously belong to the same family. I was