rrr week 9 post

  • This would be a good time to go back to your original definitions of personal and community resilience and see if there are any changes you might want to make in light of the research and concepts you have explored so far. 
    • my idea of emotional resilience actually stays unexplored for now, but I find that much of the idea explored in this class will contribute greatly to my further exploration of my environmental resilience.
  • Is there an assignment/concept/lecture from the previous weeks that you want to revisit, add to or redo? This is your chance! 
    • I just want to do more growing. I also would like to actually build a light-weight portable solar panel setup that I can carry outside while hiking or something to charge my phone and headsets.

One reply to rrr week 9 post

  1. Hey Steve! I would follow the instructions on this tutorial (and get panels of at least this size) to make something that can be attached to a bag or backpack so you can carry it with you! The trick of using eyelets is pretty clever! https://footprinthero.com/diy-solar-charger

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