About this Story:
This story introduces the famous Chinese officer, Lin Zexu, burn the opium in Human in the Qing Dynasty.
Download the story in PDF version here to print for classroom or home use.
Download the narrated iBook here for use on iPad and other electronic devices.
Connections (Subject Area):
Science: The roles of water in Earth’s surface processes.
Math: Measurement and data.
Social studies: A citizen is a member of a community or group students are citizens of their local and global communities. Traits of a responsible citizen include respecting others, behaving honestly, helping others, obeying rules and laws, being informed, and sharing deeded resources.
Language Arts: Describe characters in a story; using their experience and their knowledge of language and logic, as well as culture, to think analytically, address problems creatively, and advocate persuasively.
Language Functions & Forms:
Language function:
– Describe the roles and duties of people using 我是… …, 我应该 … …
– Sequence events in the story.
Language forms: 我是……, 我应该 ……。
Vocabulary: 大臣,阻止,烧掉,商人,政府官员
Culminating Assessment:
Interpretive Task: Listen to a story about the conflict between duty to others and personal interests.
Interpersonal Task: In pairs, Ss will discuss first and then draw about the story, specifically on the duty and personal interest. Then, Ss will find out a solution together.
Presentational Task: Each group will present their pictures to the class and share their solution.