About this Story:
This is a story introduces how Sun Yat-sun, a Chinese patriarch, worked hard and finally changed the history of China.
Download the story in PDF version here to print for classroom or home use.
Download the narrated iBook here for use on iPad and other electronic devices.
Connections (Subject Area):
Science: Explore and solve problems generated from school, home, and community situations, using concrete objects or manipulative materials when possible.
Math: making a repeated measurement of the same object; students look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Social studies: The United was founded on democratic principles; the government is established to protect the right of citizens, promote fairness, and keep people safe.
Language Arts: With prompting and support, compare and contrast the persistent process or revolution of characters in familiar stories. Students make connections to text and themselves.
Language Functions & Forms:
Language functions:
1.Describe things they were persistent and then succeeded.
2.Describe difficulties they have overcome and explain how they overcame.
Language forms (structures/vocabulary):
努力: work hard 堅持:persistent
成功:succeed 革命:revolution
一樣 vs. 不一樣
我覺得__________ 有太多 _____,其他人都沒有,我決定改變,我堅持_______,最後成功有了________。
Culminating Assessment:
Interpretive Task: Students listen how teacher demonstrates the process of project.
Interpersonal Task: Pair students or group students, let them share own persistent experiences and discuss how do they want to display on their posters. (Their own experiences have also been mentioned in earlier class in brainstorm and sharing activity.)
Presentational Task: students give the presentation for their posters in a gallery walk.