Staring at myself in the mirror, I asked, When? When was the last time I laughed, danced, or felt like myself? I feel like a little bird in a gold cage. How did I not notice before? One word, one
If I Know Everyone by Bingwen Chen
A word with the creator (Bingwen Chen, NYU ’26): Why did you decide to submit to OPUSzines? I enjoy the feeling of reading words written by the old me: they always bring me on a time machine back to a
Distortion by Zoe Chambers-Daniel
Distortion A wilted sunflower speaks to me in waves. We both know what we once were, Bright. Full. Unprotected from external elements. Her petals and my mind wither away, A response to rough hands and sharp edges. I hold the
Feminist Therapy as an Alternative to the Chemical Imbalance Theory by Mary Carolonza
A point of controversy in the mental health field is the chemical imbalance theory, which suggests that depression is caused by a deficiency in one or more neurotransmitters in the brain (Andrews et al., 2015; Baumeister et al., 2003; Schultz
Read More Feminist Therapy as an Alternative to the Chemical Imbalance Theory by Mary Carolonza
A Snippet of Undocumented Truth by Sofia Londres
A Snippet of Undocumented Truth: Why is Hiding in the U.S. Better than Going Back to Brazil? Freedom is a very personal word. It means and resembles distinct sentiments for each being. Freedom to vote. Freedom of speech. Freedom to love.