OPUSzines is an online platform for creative expression relating to psychology to NYU students. Individuals’ creativity and imagination are welcomed and celebrated here. Adopting a blog-post format, OPUSzines publishes writing pieces and visual artwork submitted by students. It strives to provide a lens through which individuals are able to view psychology in an interesting, reflective, and artistic way.
You can get involved with OPUSzines by submitting a short, psychology-related post. The opportunity is open to all NYU students.
About OPUS
NYU Applied Psychology OPUS (Online Publication of Undergraduate Studies) is a bi-annual showcase of undergraduate student work in psychology. OPUS was created to encourage and showcase the exemplary work of NYU undergraduate students in psychology. As an online publication, OPUS is designed to allow students to reach a wider audience with their work, simultaneously creating the potential for dialogue both within and beyond NYU. OPUS strives to build a community of excellence for undergraduates who are not only studying psychology from a textbook but becoming actively engaged by asking questions and applying their knowledge of a cultured psychology to their world.
For more information visit: https://wp.nyu.edu/steinhardt-appsych_opus/
Check out our newest Spring 2021 issue here: https://issuu.com/nyuappliedpsychology/docs/spring_2021_final